The H.I.R.E (‘Hotel Inclusive Recruitment Education’) project is comprised of partners from Cyprus, Greece and Poland and aims to effectively support employers in the hotel industry in solving the problems of staff gaps through educational tools, and with an emphasis on hiring persons with disability and mature people aged 50+. The project kicked off in December 2024.
Project News
First Transnational Meeting - March 24 & 25 2025
The kick-off meeting took place in Poland on March 24 & 25, hosted by Dobre Kadry and with the participation of Cyprus partners Larnaka Tourism Board and Sandy Beach Hotel & Spa and Greek partner ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ ΝΟΗΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΑΣ "Γέφυρες Επικοινωνίας" , Ε.Ν.Γ.
The partners presented their organisations and the summary of primary research conducted as part of the project. The specificity of the Polish hotel sector was
presented, as well as hotel employment from a deaf person’s perspective on Day 1 and on Day 2, an overview was given for WP3: creating results to prepare deaf and mature people for work within the hotel industry.