Strong Project Results for 'Go For Vet in Erasmus+'

The ‘Go for Vet in Erasmus+’ project of the Erasmus+ programme of the EU that Larnaka Tourism Board is participating in as Cyprus partner will be concluding soon, bearing successful and effective results.
The project comprised of partners from Cyprus, Greece, Finland and Poland is aimed at strengthening the potential of VET providers to implement vocational international traineeships – including for persons with a disability - in the fields of Hotels, Veterinary, Logistics and Photography & Multimedia.
A comprehensive guide of recommendations has been produced and covers the different types of disability; openness and ways in which to communicate and work with persons with a disability, and what positions and roles are best suitable for each type of disability within the fields included in the project, with LTB responsible for the Hotel Technician role.
The guide: 'Recommendations for VET Providers on Including People with a Disability in Erasmus+ Professional Mobility' is available to all and can be read or downloaded here.
Based on the guide, LTB facilitated an internship at Sandy Beach Hotel for a deaf person to join the Pastry Department for one month this summer. The internship proved to be highly successful, dispelling myths and stereotypes about people with hearing loss and their ability to work within the hotel industry; paving the way for more opportunities for persons with a disability to work in tourism.
In concluding the project, the final online conference of experts, partners and stakeholders will take place in September and the guide will be disseminated to relevant organisations, including hotels, educational institutions and cultural institutions.
The partners of the project are: Zespol Szkol Ponadpodstawowych no 1 in Krotoszyn (Project leader, Poland), Dobre Kadry Research-Training Centre (Poland), The Institute of Citizen's Sustainable Development and Health (Greece), Ankkapurha culture foundation / Anjala Youth Center (Finland) and Larnaka Tourism Board for Cyprus.
August 28, 2024