
Time4AC Leaflet

Project Website

The Time4AlternativeCreativity in remote space (Time4AC) project is a response to the difficulties related to the Coivd-19 pandemic in relation to the activities of cultural institutions and in the creative sector.

Project News

Meeting at Larnaka Tourism Board Premises - May 2022

The second meeting of Time4AC was held at the offices of Larnaka Tourism Board (LTB) on May 16 - 17, 2022, where presentations were given; the next stages of the programme were discussed and tasks were allocated to each partner.  

Day one started with a summary of the research conducted in the project for IO1 and IO2. The next part of the meeting was dedicated to artists and persons involved in the artist and cultural sector of Cyprus who presented the topics: ‘The Challenges of Small Cultural Businesses and the Need to Adapt to New Technology’;  ‘Contemporary Craftmanship in the Homo Faber Guide – Artisans in the Digital World’, and ‘The Various Uses of Digital Tools by Cultural Institutions: Good Practices’, which was followed by a discussion with local artists regarding their digital needs. 

Day one was concluded with a presentation and discussion on the ‘savoir-vivre dictionary for terms relevant to persons with sensory disabilities – basic phrases and terms related to the cultural sector’.   

A very successful component of the meeting was the cultural tour for persons with sensory disabilities on Day 2. This was designed to showcase what is on offer in partner city Larnaka but also to obtain valuable feedback from the participants on how this offering could be improved as per the project’s goal of ‘developing solutions supporting cultural institutions and creative sector through greater openness to remote opportunities and to a new target group of people with sensory disabilities’. 

Feedback was very positive, and in particular, representatives of Fundacja Transgresja told the meeting that being able to touch and feel authentic exhibits with history of thousands of years instead of replicas was a very unique and special experience. Some further suggestions were made on how to further adapt activities for persons with both visual and auditory disabilities. 

The rest of the second day included a discussion on IO3 and the best practises to be collated to create a guide of cultural and creative institutions that serve as exemplary examples of tourism for persons with sensory disabilities, as well the presentations on the dissemination and evaluation activities of the project.

Meeting in Wroclaw, Poland - October 2022

A meeting was held at the premises of partner Dobre Kadry Ltd that covered the progress of Results 1, 2 and 3 and the next steps to be taken for the collation of a Best Practises Guide for cultural institutions offering tourism experiences for persons with sensory disabilities, as well as the creation of instructional videos and a sign language dictionary.

Completion of Best Practices Guide - March 2023

LTB undertook the preparation of the Best Practices Guide under IO3. Partners submitted their case studies for a guide that will serve as an overview of how to adapt cultural institutions to the needs of visitors with sensory disabilities. The guide was then translated into Greek, Polish and Portuguese. You can read the English guide here.

Training Workshops - Larnaka - April 2023

Three training workshops were held in Larnaka on April 10, 11 and 13, 2023. The main workshop 'Familiarisation Workshop for Art & Creative Sector Representatives: Understanding the Way People with Sensory Disabilities Perceive the World' took place on April 10 at the Multifunctional Centre for Social Activities and Welfare of Larnaka Municipality with the participation of various cultural institutions, artists and other establishments.

The programme featured presentations and group exercises by Ms Christina Eliadou, Ms Maria Georgiou and Ms Andri Philippou - teachers at St. Barnabas School of Blind, and Ms Panayiota Themistocleous, Sign Language Interpreter, School for the Deaf Giorgos Markou. 

The Time4AC Best Practices Guide was presented, highlighting good examples of adapting cultural experiences for persons with sensory disabilities from across Europe, along with a group discussion on ways to make tourist attractions and cultural institutions more accessible in general.

Publication of Third Newsletter - May 2023

The project's third newsletter summarizes the fourth transnational meeting that took place at the headquarters of the Union of Parishes Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom and Jovim, Portugal on May 9 & 10, 2023. Read more here.

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