'Bee'-autiful Honey Villages to Explore!

Larnaka region is ‘bee’-autiful in spring, but especially so in the Rural Larnaka Honey Villages where a buzz of experiential activities await!
The cluster of nine villages share a sweet tradition of beekeeping and honey production, with each offering family-friendly activities or attractions within the theme.
The Vavatsinia Honeybee Trail - The Humming of the Bees is a 2.5km bee-themed natural trail with an educational and healing experience centered around the therapeutic sound of bee humming. Read more about what you can discover along this trail here.
Be a Beekeeper for a Day is a fun and educational programme offered by Ecophysis in Vavla village. Participants don beekeeper suits to visit the apiary and can also enjoy a honey and local produce picnic and other associated activities such as crafts with beeswax, depending on the season. Find out more here.
For honey production tours and tasting, Oros Maxaira in Odou/Melini is open to visitors who can learn all about the process of bottling raw, local honey and all its health benefits, as well as trying apitherapy (inhalation of beehive air, which is believed to contribute to wellbeing and useful for the treatment of various conditions). Read more here.
The Kato Drys Bee & Embroidery Museum combines beekeeping exhibits with other exhibits related to olden day life and pastimes in the village, housed in a traditional residence. The museum is also part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums series and can be explored online in lieu of a visit. Read more here.
Layia Village Crafts in Lageia village offers workshops on making bee hotels out of recycled and natural materials, as well as other themed crafts. Learn more here.
There are many other attractions to see on a self-guided tour to the Larnaka Rural Honey Villages, including bee-themed parks in Melini, Odou and Ora with bright playground toys and educational elements such as bee hotels and factsheets. Several bee festivals are held during the year. Discover more in the video below.
The thematic identity of the area is continually being developed with new projects, including a second bee-themed nature trail that is currently in the making in Vavla and will be completed in autumn as part of the LTB Annual Action Plan.